BE - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Jobs, Chemical Engineering Jobs,Chemical Jobs, BIO Chemistry Jobs, Diploma Chemical Engineering Jobs,Chemical Engineering Future Jobs
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What is the future scope of Chemical engineering?
But we can start thinking in a layman’s and then engineers way.
Now people in India think engineering is nothing but Mechanical, Software (Many even dont know that its called Computer LOL), Civil, Electrical. So if you tell or ask anyone about chemical engineering answers might range from ‘What this ?I didnt know chemical engg exists’ to ‘Mechanical sahi hai. Job market tagda hai n all’. Forget all this. Think logically. Look around yourself. If you observe carefully everything that is around you requires chemical engineering. Simply take Toothpaste or Hairoil or anything. Without chemical engineering its impossible to produce all these.
Now if we think like an engineer, Chemical Engineering is just the name of the branch its generally referred as Process Engineering. Now scope of chemical engineering is to vast. It ranges from core Oil and Gas, Mineral processing, Pharma, Polymers to Pollution Control. So opportunities are practically huge. Being chemical engineer opens you to go to any of the sectors. Chemical engineers are required both in Govt (BPCL, ONGC) and Private sectors. Their job profile ranges from Production engineer, Design Engineer etc.
Moerover chemical engineers can have very good career in R&D, Teaching. Trust me chemical engineers unlike in India are highly paid abroad.
This does not end here. Chemical engineer can become very good entrepreneur. There are infinite opportunities like say Mineral Water production, Small scale fertilizers and current hot Organically (Non chemical) produced eatables.
So if you want to be Chemical Engineer sont think twice. Go for it. Telling by my own experience You wont regret if you love it.
All the best !!
Well Chemical Engineering is not as common as mech /civil/electrical in terms of no of students .
Hardly 20000 appear in gate exam ,
Therefore this branch has easy future prospects in terms of placements , higher studies ….
Job students ratio is far better than in other core branch ..
Having said these points , future propsects can in viewed as -
a) gate , easy to crack , not much comptetion
—For higher studies in lucrative colleges like IITS , IISC
—PSUs like iocl HPCL IOL etc recruits from valid gate score
—Forest services either in state or IFoS
—Lucrative jobs in BARC , Indian Railways , DRDO ..
—GRE ticket to Toronto :D
b) campus placements in companies like borl , chambal fertilizers , sun pharma , Relience petrochemicals, phosphorus limited, HPCL (yes recruits oncampus ) etc
c) coaching evenues -work as tutor gate coach, eii ..
d) can go for mba , civil services based on career choice …
Hence there exits so many options ,
Apart from jobs added advantage is the hell lot of interesting issues related to world economy directly based on chemical and petroleum industries that u will get to know …
Do opt for chemical engineering , u will appreciate ur decision in future …..
Cheers …..